Link Notes 1 December 2022

Today’s links
- Needlepoint tapestry representations of The Sentinel: Physical manifestations of Geoff Crammond’s 8-bit classic
- Fine Hypertext Products
- Orion, Earth and the Moon: In lunar orbit.
- On this day, from the archive: 2001
Needlepoint tapestry representations The Sentinel
Words can’t describe how much I love these needlepoint tapestries of screenshots from Geoff Crammond’s classic game The Sentinel, by artist Marine Beaufils. I played the BBC Micro version in the 80s but it was identical to the ZX Spectrum version in all its 8-bit glory. These artworks are for sale by contacting Marine via Mastodon (Permalink)
Welcoming back Jason Kottke to the world of regular blogging after a seven month hiatus. I really don’t think it’s an overstatement to say that Jason is the progenitor for every website that’s a ostensibly a personal feed of thoughts, links or images in reverse chronological order, and that includes the format of every major social media platform. Others were doing this in the late 90s but was the one of the first weblogs to be beautifully designed and have broad appeal. (Permalink)
Orion, Earth, and the Moon
NASA’s Orion spacecraft has reached its maximum distance from Earth during the Artemis I mission. This mission is a major milestone, and is a return to the kind of lunar missions that were becoming almost routine in the early seventies. (Permalink)
On this day, from the archive
- Unveiling of The Segway: It was a transport device that was set to change the way cities are designed. I think I was right about it being the ’next Sinclair C5'.