Link Notes 29 April 2020

Today’s Links
Greater Manchester councils stand to lose more than £110m from Manchester Airport: We need to break the link between quality public services and public investment in industries most damaging to the planet.
On this day, from the archive: 2004, 2003, 2002
Greater Manchester councils stand to lose more than £110m from Manchester Airport
Manchester Airport Holdings Limited owns three large UK airports: Manchester Airport, London Stansted and East Midland airport. The majority shareholders in the company are the ten local authorities in Greater Manchester, which rely on revenue from these airports to pay for all of the services they provide. Given the situaion with the COVID-19 outbreak, there is now a shortfall in revenue from these airports to pay for vital public services in the Greater Manchester area..
With this, as well as local government pension funds holding huge investment in oil companies, it seems that our public services and our prosperity are dependent on the success of the industries that are most damaging to the planet. This is why we need a major rethink at both the national and local government level.
On this day, from the archive
16 Years ago: Rise of the Robo-cones: Speculation about an Asimov-style style revolt of robotic traffic cones. It never happened, but now I’m thinking it all might be a good idea
17 years ago: Apple launches iTunes Music Store: This one of the first services to allow users to purchase music in MP3/AAC format. Controversially, the downloaded files had contained DRM features which restricted what you could do with your downloaded music.
18 year ago: Apple Launches the eMac: Apple’s version of iMac that was aimed at the education market. Back all-in-one computer were still based around the Cathode-ray Tube.