I drive an automatic, not the usual
manual or stick-shift as most people drive in Europe.
transmissions are great, especially for city driving;
just go and stop, none of this tedious clutch business. I
thought I’d miss driving a manual car and the extra control
it gives, and I was worried that I’d keep pressing the brake
thinking it was the clutch, sending me through the windscreen
every time I wanted to change gear. I soon got used to it
though and started to enjoy the overall smoothness of driving
an automatic. However, my enjoyment changed to sheer hatred
of it after an unfortunate event on Christmas Eve, of all
days. To bore you with the technicalities, the ignition
system of the car only works if the gear selector is in the
‘park’ position. Some kind of electrical contact is made in
‘park’ mode which allows you to start the car. Now over the
last couple of months, this electrical contact underneath the
gear lever hasn’t been working properly, meaning I have to
give the lever a bit of ‘gentle persuasion’ in order for it
to make contact and start the car. Anyway, I was on my way
back from a night in the pub with some old friends [staying
sober obviously], and I was having the same old trouble with
the gear selector, it just wouldn’t go far enough forward for
the ignition to work. So, I decided to push it a bit more
than I perhaps should have done, and to my dismay, the darn
thing snapped clean off. It was like something from The Three Stooges. So I
was stranded, on the first hour of Christmas Day, with an
immobile car, all because of a millimetre gap between two
bits of metal. I was glad that I managed to get a lift home,
but the fact that I didn’t have a functioning car anymore
played on the back of my mind over Christmas. On Boxing Day,
we returned with a crow bar and some pliers; I was gonna get
the bloomin’ thing home, whatever it took. We managed to
start the engine with the help of the crow bar [it wasn’t a
pretty sight], but then we had the problem of getting it into
reverse and then into ‘drive’; luckily, the pair of pliers
just about did the trick, and I was able to get it home
without towing it. Anyway, I think I’ll stick to manual cars
in the future.So, all that was hassle that I didn’t need over
the Christmas break, which otherwise went OK; I got many nice
presents including a few books:
The Language of Media by Lev Manovich and
The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking, the latter
of which has been making my brain hurt for the last few days.
Here’s a transcript from one of his lectures on the beginning of